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You're viewing Flink Cheat Codes

Game Name : Flink
System : Sega CD
Date Added : 2005-02-03 11:39:10
Views : 20423
Cheat Mode
Press Down + Start, then release Down during game play. Press Right(3), Left(3), Right(2), Left(2), Right, Left while continuing to hold Start. A cheat option will appear at the bottom of the main menu. Select that option begin game play with 50 files, all scrolls, all spells, and 50 units of each spell ingredient. Alternatively, press Down + Start, then release Down during game play. Then, press Right(4), Left(4), Right(3), Left(3), Right(2), Left(2), Right, Left while continuing to hold Start.

Flight mode
Enable the "Cheat mode" code. Then, select the magic key from the spell selection menu. Press C during game play to fly. press B to hover, or C to land.

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